SB 1359

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where did Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) come from?

California Legislation: SB 1359: Public postsecondary education: course materials legislation states:

Each campus of the California Community Colleges and the California State University shall, and each campus of the University of California is requested to, do both of the following:

(1) Clearly highlight, by means that may include a symbol or logo in a conspicuous place on the online campus course schedule, the courses that exclusively use digital course materials that are free of charge to students and may have a low-cost option for print versions.

(2) Clearly communicate to students that the course materials used for the courses identified pursuant to paragraph (1) are free of charge and therefore not required to be purchased.

Q: Who is required to implement SB 1359 and when?

All California Community Colleges (CCCs) and California State Universities (CSUs) must implement this legislation. The deadline to implement this designation in course schedules is January 1, 2018.

Q: What is considered ZCCM content?

Q: Where can I find more information and resources regarding ZCCM?

Q: What if a course requires students to purchase materials other than textbooks, for example calculators, safety goggles, theater tickets, etc.?

The ZCCM designation cannot be used if students are required to purchase any materials.

Q: If I submit my course materials by the deadline is there any incentive?

Yes. Your name will be added to our preferred customer list and you will receive 10% off in the Bookstore for the semester.

Q: Are there any events or workshops I can attend to learn more about how to save my students money on their textbooks?

Each September through 2020, the SDSU Affordable Learning Solutions Committee will host a Recognition Lunch for faculty who have provided significant cost savings for students as a result of adopting free course materials. Your savings will be reported in our annual CSU report as part of the Affordable Learning Solutions (ALS) grant program.

Other events will also be held throughout the semester. Please contact Lia Dearborn for more information.

Q: If the instructor for the section is changed just prior to the beginning of the term, and the previously assigned instructor indicated that the course section was ZCCM, is the new instructor bound by the original designation?

No, the new instructor is not bound by the original designation, but they do need to coordinate with their department scheduler/coordinator to ensure that the ZCCM attribute is removed in a timely manner if they do not choose to use zero cost materials.

Q: What if there is no instructor assigned to a course section at the time the course schedule is published?

If no instructor is assigned to a course, the ZCCM designation should not be used unless it is a departmental decision for course materials in multi-section courses.

Q: What if I post or handout PDF’s? Do I need to give this information to the Bookstore?

Yes. They can be listed in the same place where you would normally place your textbook order.

Q: What if I have copyright questions?

If you have copyright questions regarding any of your materials you use in class or have questions concerning SB1359 requirements, contact Montezuma Publishing at 619-594-7552 or at